Sunday, March 23, 2025

a commute

to the south

early morning commute snarled
cars hopping off the highway
onto rural route sixteen
lights flash
fire trucks coming in hot
from the city
an ambulance rushes past
in the other direction
racing down the icy shoulder

to the north

driving slow 
in bleary eyed traffic jam
a cow in the hay field? there are two
a mother moose
ploughing a deep snow trail
for her calf

Thursday, March 20, 2025

doing the work

parking lot princes, and/or princesses 
stumble in late...again
they are new clothes naked
as they promenade down the hall

one or two are clothed (phew)
rusty armour
tattered capes trail
swinging their yardstick swords
and rehanging flags

all bang, bluster
and gentle reminders
running from crisis to crisis to crisis
or long lunch laughing

the tired monk 
closes his door
climbs on the oak desk
unscrews the speaker cover
one deft snip
of the intercom wires
doing the work

Friday, February 7, 2025

A 15 Year Revision

sitting around the staff lounge
talking about the things good people do
a refrain of "he's a bad person" rings

the topic shifts...

weight loss, micro plastics
toxins baked into your very bones
how to fit into your summer pants

he walks away
back to his office

the computer hums

Friday, January 31, 2025

End of January Notebook Fragments


the pendulum is stuck
jammed up real good
rusted red

a shattered wooden shoe
a sabot
crushed in the gears

listen all y'all it's a sabotage


experience chart paper hangs
sun bleached
full of faded ink
           faded ideas


wild turkeys watch
across the long icy ditch
lone coyote walks away
slow and steady
through new snow
on his long lonely path

rabbits run 
into the cedar thicket


F150 rumbles into the curve
black ice fish tails
tires shoot frozen gravel 

crows scatter
fly into barren trees
land on a rusted out
Alice Chalmers tractor

Thursday, January 23, 2025

The Monastic Heart 3 - Antiphons

mantras of the moment

bracketed off in 
ponderings and poems
maybe a little rough
Kerouacian pop Haiku
(or American Haiku)
messy dashy lines
capturing the thinnest
slice of a slice
of the never ending present
a few flaps
of a songbird's wing
flying to the next pine

mantras of the moment

Friday, January 17, 2025

The Monastic Heart 2 - Statio

Statio is the monastic gift of taking a deep breath between things. 

racing from here to get to there
traffic weaving chaos
busting verge of road rage
blowing stop signs
leaning heavy on the horn
yelling curses at the radio

a side trail
near the recreation path
looking down
a cold creek ravine
taking a deep deep breath
gathering my scattered heart

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Monastic Heart 1 - Bells

The monastic heart is a  heart that goes through life on a wave of common time.

 a bell rings
attention is called
to this moment
a thin slice of a slice 
of the never ending present
in this micro moment
I think of you
and pray