Thursday, October 19, 2017


sharing warmth
and the red light glow
cast by our "hobo stick fire"
oh and big laughs
every time Tommy
tried to talk
or tell a story
without cursing

just a cold night
clinking colder bottles
singing Hip lyrics

our secret
Canadian handshake
these words

Hey man, thanks.

Gord 1964-2017


  1. Always so wonderful to see you, kiddo. Yup. Sounds like Canada to me. Especially eastern Canada. Especially The Sheds of the Maritimes i have heard so much about. Smiles.

  2. As always your words are truly gentle and so much a pleasure to read, in fact I have read several times finding comfort there.
    Anna :o]

  3. Thank you ole' "hobo stick fire" for your wonderful rendering of Canada--the Hip, Canadian Handshake. May we be a beacon of civility to this troubled world. Good to see you at Graven's performance. Loved the poem.
    --Square Corner

  4. Brother Ollie,
    This reads as a very fine tribute...
    Hope things are good..I have just found my way back again to poets united after a time away. It's good to be back:)

  5. Ollie, thanks for your kind words and this beautiful tribute. I loved th Hip; Just recently I read and listened to Gord's Secret Path and it is stunning.


Thanks for helping with the development of Olsonomics.