Tuesday, January 4, 2011

on duty

a study hall of no study
cards slide over
pencil graffiti
FU Lavergne!

texters text

loose boot boys shuffle
to the next table
drawn by pretty girls

the boys joke and laugh
young girls listen

one girl asks me
why are you here?
fodder for endless meditation
for now...
it is my duty

clock hovers above
waiting to release me


  1. Today's teacher has a very difficult row to hoe. Your poem points that out vividly and clearly. And time is a prison waiting only to be unlocked, released.


  2. Study of no study. Seems Zen. Only study hall pupils may not understand that depth. A duty nonetheless. Good post OO.

  3. Your Zen is my inspiration. After a self imposed exile, I'm back. Glad to see you're still here.

  4. clock hovers above
    waiting to release me

    Know the feeling well - gripped by time and place!

  5. Nice piece Ollie! And thanks for your comment on my Jan. 9th.


Thanks for helping with the development of Olsonomics.