Wednesday, July 31, 2024

lakeside path

walking stick swings in steady rhythm
the tired monk walks the path
up and over gnarled pine roots
and broken bedrock
heeding the mossy patches

just a bit further up the high bluff
pours tea
breathes in woodland air
takes in lakes, a creek, a beaver pond
one lone island

a red fox wanders
out of the junipers
looks for a moment
smells the air
turns back 
the way she came
two kits follow

the monk sips 
one more taste of green tea
pick up his walking stick
jogs down the hill


Wednesday, July 10, 2024

the abbess appears

the old monk sheds his sandals
wades into the mucky ditch
swinging his sickle
mowing thick swamp grass
just ahead of torrential rains

pulling heaps of vetch
stuck in choking muck
rakes, shovels, loads
three heavy barrows full

the water runs free at last
down through the culvert
into the low valley stream

the abbess appears
offers a dark rich
French press coffee

Friday, July 5, 2024


my first job: was on a ranch
creates cowboy visions
of mountains, cold creeks, 
patting the neck of a beautiful horse
oh the romance

more so
shoveling horse shit...the literal kind
flecks of creosote paint
burning my hands
rich girls in clean new jeans
laughing as I wheelbarrow by