Tuesday, December 31, 2024


knowledge is being trimmed
razors cut up sonnets, and soliloquys
novels become novellas, then snippets, 
then an AI paraphrase

words pronounced.  Correctly!
a chorus of hollow words echo 
in cement block rooms
   they call this "literacy"

classic novels fade yellow
pages fall
to empty bookroom floors
trodden on and swept away
 - slow motion Fahrenheit 451

the tired monk looks on
with sad eyes
and writes a new song



ragged Jets cap
sun and sweat bleached
one can barely make out the team colours

in his hands 
a few last remnants
of his wire spool
40 years unwound
project after project
a beautiful metal metaphor


the sky is grey
pools of water 
a hill of dirty snow melts

a few slow tears fall
a deep gut soul lament

sometime tears are prayers