Friday, January 17, 2025

The Monastic Heart 2 - Statio

Statio is the monastic gift of taking a deep breath between things. 

racing from here to get to there
traffic weaving chaos
busting verge of road rage
blowing stop signs
leaning heavy on the horn
yelling curses at the radio

a side trail
near the recreation path
looking down
a cold creek ravine
taking a deep deep breath
gathering my scattered heart

Thursday, January 16, 2025

The Monastic Heart 1 - Bells

The monastic heart is a  heart that goes through life on a wave of common time.

 a bell rings
attention is called
to this moment
a thin slice of a slice 
of the never ending present
in this micro moment
I think of you
and pray

Saturday, January 4, 2025

pond hockey

sounds in the forest
continuous popping growl
ice sharp steel shredded
then massive slapshot CLACK 
little voices yelling "goal"

sun sets early
slow snow falls
catching quiet on pine boughs

Thursday, January 2, 2025

these are poems

these are poems
pulled from
fading metaphor mist
deep pocket hidden
in phantom robes
words etched and spun
from a mustard seed
or a glimpse
out a frosty windshield

that's all we have here

Tuesday, December 31, 2024


knowledge is being trimmed
razors cut up sonnets, and soliloquys
novels become novellas, then snippets, 
then an AI paraphrase

words pronounced.  Correctly!
a chorus of hollow words echo 
in cement block rooms
   they call this "literacy"

classic novels fade yellow
pages fall
to empty bookroom floors
trodden on and swept away
 - slow motion Fahrenheit 451

the tired monk looks on
with sad eyes
and writes a new song



ragged Jets cap
sun and sweat bleached
one can barely make out the team colours

in his hands 
a few last remnants
of his wire spool
40 years unwound
project after project
a beautiful metal metaphor


the sky is grey
pools of water 
a hill of dirty snow melts

a few slow tears fall
a deep gut soul lament

sometime tears are prayers

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

cul de sac

lights flick on
first the nurse
a dialysis veteran
she greets her firefighter husband
coming off a long...and busy shift
one quick kitchen kiss
then away

more lights 
construction worker
knotting up his boots quick
rushing out the door
helmet, tools, coffee
off with an F150 rumble

then a burst 
light after light pops on
teachers, government workers, 
moms dads school bus kids
dog walkers hustle

a few retirees zip out
newspaper under their arms
7am coffee waits

the sun pops up over
the split ranch house
as the last car leaves 
the cul de sac