Friday, January 31, 2025

End of January Notebook Fragments


the pendulum is stuck
jammed up real good
rusted red

a shattered wooden shoe
a sabot
crushed in the gears

listen all y'all it's a sabotage


experience chart paper hangs
sun bleached
full of faded ink
           faded ideas


wild turkeys watch
across the long icy ditch
lone coyote walks away
slow and steady
through new snow
on his long lonely path

rabbits run 
into the cedar thicket


F150 rumbles into the curve
black ice fish tails
tires shoot frozen gravel 

crows scatter
fly into barren trees
land on a rusted out
Alice Chalmers tractor


  1. Lovely snippets of January days. My fave is iii), it tells me of the fight for survival. :)

  2. So strange to realise you are deep in winter, while here DownUnder we're very hot. I love that this goes into wintry detail without being in the least clichéd, and tells me things I wouldn't otherwise have known.

  3. I do love the vivid depiction of the winter scenes, but it's the imagery of the first part that really sticks with me.

  4. I was mesmerized by each of your vignettes. Cheers.

  5. You took me into deep winter. Here on the West Cost, we have our first fleeting snowfall. Thanks for your comment on my blog, kiddo. The news is too much to be borne these days. Yet we somehow keep on.


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