Tuesday, January 30, 2018


the hall empties out
a final door bang
swirling papers

the tired monk sits
reads a few more lines
by the dimmed night lights

closes his books
dwells in the rare
deep silence

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

cold poem redux

harsh hammering rooftop sleat
low snow truck rumbles

the tired monk wanders
the night temple halls
tightens the windows
stokes the dying heath fire

waits it out
sipping warm sweet tea

Monday, January 15, 2018

acrued wisdom

slap sting face cold
doubled by
sweeping open space winds

a most cold cold duty
chip and dig out the path
these hardening white dunes

slips in to woodstove warmed boots,
doubled layered robes and
thick Seahawks toque covering
this bald monk head

Wednesday, January 3, 2018

the work

beating a broken path
digging down
into solstice snow

the forest pond
flooded flat 
with well pumped water

discarded kitchen buckets
and broken boards
become the net

cold monk tends the goal
twisted stick in hand
robes whirling for a save

doing the work

Brother Ollie
the tired monk