Wednesday, May 15, 2019

a lunch time script

monks gathered
under spring flower boughs
eating a light lunch
   suddenly still

in a spell of time
chatter and discourse resumes

novice: "what was that?"

tired monk: "just an angel passing by"

n: "do you do the same with demons?"

tm: "nah...we ignore em...
         drives em crazy."

the tired monk


  1. LOL. I love the ignoring of the demons. I always thought a great response to trump would be for NO reporters to show up at the daily briefings. Radio silence. Would drive him crazy for sure.

  2. Smiles...nice ignoring the demons :)

  3. Brother Ollie,
    How I have missed the wisdom of The Old Monk...
    It is pleasing to read that his sense of humour is as smart as ever!!

  4. “we ignore em...
    drives em crazy”

    Perfect <3


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