Monday, September 28, 2020

standing off

standing off alone
waiting? ...maybe watching
long deep Marlboro pulls
rolled up western cut Wrangler shirt
beat up cap pulled down tight
worn in (almost worn out) boots

standing off alone
waiting? ...maybe watching 
long deep breaths - slow and quiet
tattered edged flowing robe
hood pulled down low
worn in (almost worn out) sandals


  1. Good to hear from you, Mr. Humbucker. I like the way the worn in (worn out) boots are juxtaposed with spirit sandals. Maybe a cap pulled low and watching...for a cold wind that comes all alone? Very well done in all its mystery!

  2. I always love it when the Tired Monk makes an appearance! Ten years of Tired Monk poems - a feast!

  3. Oh my gosh, this is so good. You are really good!!!


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