Tuesday, January 2, 2024


laptop clicks open
blue light cuts 
through morning dark

emails have stacked up
over the holidays
first one: The World Should Fear 2024
an essay of doom

the tired monk leaves it unread
puts on steel toes, a thick scarf, 
and new Christmas toque
tackles the big Aspen rounds
axe cracks through cold seasoned wood

a fresh cord split by noon


  1. A good choice, chopping wood instead of ingesting doom. I hope this year is very good to you, Ollie.

  2. Happy New Year!! I know how the tired monk feels...maybe most of us do. But the axe is formidable...will crack in two this year of fear!

  3. I agree with Sherry. A good choice, as delving into gloom doesn't erase it and makes the day sadder.

  4. Anything is better than allowing oneself to be consumed by the doom monster. And when the thing involves good exercise, it's even better. That way, when the time comes to face the gloom, at least you're warm.

  5. That doesn't sound like something to read to start out a new year on the right note!

  6. Sounds wonderful. I don't have the physical fitness any more to do that, but you make me feel for a minute how bracing, exhilarating and satisfying. I applaud!

  7. I like the stepping away from doomscrolling to do something physical.. but it will still be there waiting, more of it everyday. That said, so many are just living in a bubble pretending things like war and climate change are not happening. Sigh.

  8. Nothing can bury the gloom and doom like a little hard work. The cold-seasoned wood. I like this.

  9. Part of Monk training is wood chopping? I don't blame him for now reading anymore eMails, at least for a day or so. I know he will get a lot, spam too.

  10. Love the positivity in your words ... and the positivity in your mood. A healthy beginning, Sir! Wishing you a good 2024.

  11. I like how the blue cuts through the dark. Not much wood chopping here as we enjoy a warm summer atm


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