Wednesday, January 24, 2024

Closing Time at the Russel Hotel

stubby bottles cover the tables...
along with tall quarts and pitchers of draft
thick cigarette smoke plumes the air

Toronto power trio hits the stage
plugs in oversized (for the room) amps
buzzing barre chords wail
thundering bass and drums

they rip through some originals
gets the crowd cheering 
when they swing into some Zeppelin

in the corner by the bar
the manager cringes - too loud!
the girls can't hear the orders

he snaps  - rushes the stage
flicks off the breaker
Geddy and Alex laugh
and promise to turn it down
...a notch or two

the settle back in
wrap up the gig
with Working Man

the manager grabs the mic:

"Hustle Bustle - closing time in the Russel.  
This is a Hotel, not a motel.  
Drink up and get the hell out!"


  1. I can see the whole scene so clearly.......especially the grumpy manager.....who doesnt seem to want business! I remember when public smoking was the norm - that mixed smell of stale booze and cigarettes - the smell of my childhood.

  2. As Sherry says ... you paint the perfect scene. The music, the smoke, the booze, the guys in the band the manager. You took me there!

  3. Wow I can't say anything else I felt as if I was there It was like a little movie scene.

  4. I enjoyed this trip into a smoky hotel with its beer smell, blaring music and cranky manager who has seen it all. :)

  5. I was so much there, I wanted the music to stay!

  6. I would have left way before the manager got testy. Nice write, kept my attention.

  7. This was so real, I felt like I was there, listening to the music.

  8. You put us right there. I was practically chocking on the smoke, but not minding the loud music at all. Great tone and atmosphere.


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