sitting in the waiting room
amidst scattered magazines
chairs 6 feet apart...more or less
guy over in the corner breaks the lingering awkward silence
"every one a these fucking rags is about climbing goddamn Everest"
tosses the National Geographic spinning back onto the table
the Tiredmonk just smiles...under his mask, and nods
another voice
from behind the nurse's office glass says "Chomolungma"
The guy in the corner looks at the Tired Monk: "You Chomolungma?"
"...nah man Everest is."
Used to go walking down to the park. Right along the lakeshore. On good days Tenzin would be there walking his massive mastiff. His dog was a female called Chomo; short for Chomolunga. This is the Tibetan name for Mount Everest. It means Goddess Mother of Mountains. Tibetans are good at naming things.
3. A few years ago us monks got into making our own shirts, then we started making some for our neighbours, now...in this lockdown we design digital art almost everyday. Here is our
Chomolungma design. We made it for our buddy Tenzin; it is his favourite shirt. Calls it his "Dog Walking Shirt" .